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Record date & Book Closure Date for the purpose of 39th AGM & Declaration of Dividend 2023-24 |
Book Closure Date for the purpose of 38th AGM & Declaration of Dividend |
Clarification letter with regards to letter dated 9th August 2023 for book closure |
Book Closure Date for the purpose of 38th AGM & Declaration of Dividend |
Book Closure Date for the purpose of 37th AGM & Declaration of Dividend |
Record date & Book Closure Date for the purpose of 36th AGM & Declaration of Dividend |
Record date & Book Closure Date for the purpose of 35th AGM & Declaration of Dividend |
Record date & Book Closure Date for the purpose of 34th AGM & Declaration of Dividend |
Record date & Book Closure Date for the purpose of 33rd AGM & Declaration of Dividend |
Record date & Book Closure Date for the purpose of 32nd AGM & Declaration of Dividend |